We decided to give you a few treats today! The first one is a Halloween video the boys made just for you!! Click here to check out the Halloween video!! We know you'll love it!!
Even though it is raining, I'm sure some kids will still be going trick or treating tonight. Additionally, last weekend and this weekend teens and adults will be figuring out plans for their Halloween celebration. Before the boys left, we asked them what their Halloween plans are. Check it out!
What are your plans for Halloween??
Mason Bergh #15
"You can find me on the streets trick or treating with Lavzy."
Victor Bjorkung #27
"Hanging out with the boys and my billets."
Jake Bunz #3
"Scaring kids that come to trick or treat."
Chris Dodero #22
"Complete my homework for school."
John Ernsting #18
"Hanging out with the team."
Danny Fetzer #26
"Getting candy."
Robby Jackson #23
"No idea."
Brady Jones #19
"Trick or treating with the billets."
Nate Kwiecinski #5
"Being with the boys."
Zach LaValle #11
"I'm trick or treating for sure."
Brian LeBlanc #14
"Going trick or treating with the boys."
Biagio Lerario #9
"Hanging out with the boys."
Liam McDermott #12
"Hanging out with the boys."
Connor McDonald #24
"Being with the team."
Liam McGing #4
Cale Morris #35
"Hanging with the boys."
Chris Nell #31
"Go to practice then go home and watch Netflix or NHL 14."
Patrick Polino #17
"Being on the bus to Fargo with the boys."
John Schilling #16
"Hanging out with the team."
Peter Tischke #6
"Hanging with the boys."
Alec Vanko #28
"Hopefully scaring some trick or treaters."
Connor Yau #2
"Not sure yet, maybe FGL concert."
Steel Fans tell us what your plans are for Halloween,
and what you thought of the boys' video,
and we will post them on the blog!!
Be safe tonight and this weekend...and