Good Afternoon Steel fans!! We hope that you are enjoying Chicago's 80 degree day.
Today we would like to take a moment and send a shout out to our player's families, as well as, their housing families. These families are usually behind the scenes taking care of the players off the ice and cheering them on during games.
They support the boys throughout the season as they continue to work hard to obtain their dreams. The Chicago Steel organization would like to send out a huge thank you to all of the parents and housing families of the boys this season! We appreciate everything you did!!
During our last game of the season, the boys presented their mom and/or billet mom with a rose. We were able to capture a picture of the family together...check them out.
If you would like to become a billet family for the 2013-2014 season or would like more information please click here.
Have a great day everyone!!