Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Halloween Memories

Happy Tuesday Steel Fans!! It is officially October 1st, which means that Halloween is only 30 days away. There is nothing like the thrill of dressing up, getting candy, and hanging out with friends. Many of us have special memories from past Halloweens that we will cherish forever. So to start off the month of October we figured we would ask the guys about past Halloweens. Check it out! 

What is your favorite Halloween memory??

Mason Bergh #15
Just hanging out with friends.

Victor Bjorkung #27
Trick or treating with my friends.

Jake Bunz #3
Hanging with the whole family celebrating.

Chris Dodero #22
I went to a scary haunted house.

John Ernsting #18
Haunted houses.

Danny Fetzer #26
Getting candy

Robby Jackson #23
Handing out candy to girls...wheeling

Brady Jones #19
I dressed as Moses and guided my friends, who were dressed like Israelites, through the neighborhood.

Nate Kwiecinski #5
Always getting together with family and friends.

Zach LaValle #11
Playing the Star Wars theme song on a boom box during passing times at school and fighting all my friends with light sabers.

Brian LeBlanc #14
Carnival at Hermantown Middle School.

Biagio Lerario #9
Trick or treating with my friends and family.

Liam McDermott #12
Going trick or treating with my brother and friends.

Connor McDonald #24
Walking around with my family, getting candy.

Liam McGing #4
Hanging out with friends.

T.J. Moore #10
Super crazy partiez.

Cale Morris #35
Roller blading from house to house for candy.

Chris Nell #31
When I went to one house and took the whole bucket of candy.

Patrick Polino #17
I honestly can't remember anything fun.

John Schilling #16
Going out trick or treating and going to haunted houses.

Peter Tischke #6
Trick or treating with my little brother.

Alec Vanko #28
Just always tring to get more candy than my brother every year.

Connor Yau #2
Haunted house with my friends.

Steel Fans tell us what your favorite memories are from Halloween, 
and we will post them on Thursday's blog!! 
Have a puck-tastic day everyone!! 

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